in 15th February – 25th June 2025

A World of Colour & Emotion: Satta Hashem
A major retrospective at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
A2 Paintings on Paper
A small selection of preparatory works for the large scale paintings
A small selection of 7000+ drawings, a study of the human face, many of which are sketches for the large scale drawings and paintings.
Paintings on Canvas

Realism is limited in the ways that it can depict real life. What about the unseen things? I’m not simply chronicling events. I want to the viewer to meditate and to think. I consider myself a realist painter of sorts, as I want to connect my work to modern life.
Paintings on Paper

Any serious study of colours cannot reach a definite conclusion. This is because light and colours in our daily life are still a mystery. We try to understand aspects of this phenomenon but as we go deeper into the subject we find ourselves back at the beginning of a long path.

Since September 2022 I have been busy drawing the faces of people I know or don’t know.. I have filled nearly 100 sketchbooks (more than 7000 pages) with faces of real people.

Drawing is my daily activity. The majority of my drawings are not sketches for larger art work. Like those on display here, they are finished work in themselves.