• Retrospective 2025

    Retrospective 2025

    A major retrospective of Leicester based artist Satta Hashem. The exhibition includes early political illustrations for Arabic newspapers, murals, rare archive material and paintings and drawings from the past 25 years. Hashem’s work reflects his Iraqi heritage, using deep saturated colours to explore how art can make sense of life, death and war and the… Continue Reading

  • Art & Science

    Art & Science

    Between 2009 and 2012 my explorations in Art & Science are based on the ideas explored by Mahmood Sabri in his Quantum Realism Theory, who sadly passed away during our collaboration. An exhibition in his honour was curated by me in collaboration with Sabri’s family and presented in 2013. For more information: http://www.quantumrealism.co.uk/ My approach to… Continue Reading

  • ضياء بلا ظلال

    ضياء بلا ظلال

    طريقة الرسم بالضوء والظل او التدرج من المضيء الى المعتم، والتي بواسطتها يتم رسم الصورة ثلاثية الأبعاد وابراز الحجم والبعد والقرب، او الإيهام بالبعد الثالث على سطح مستوي من بعدين مثل سطح الورقة او الحائط وماشابه، هي الطريقة التي تميز الفن الأوربي عن بقية فنون الأمم، وقد سادت بالفن الأوربي منذ ان طورها بالتوازي مع… Continue Reading

  • يوميات الحرب

    يوميات الحرب

    يوميات الحرب الدائمة في العراق مقدمة ياسادتي هذه يومياتي خلال حرب الثلاثة واربعون يوما , من شهر كانون الثاني وشباط سنة 1991 والتي تسمى بحرب الخليج الثانية او عاصفة الصحراء او حرب تحرير الكويت, كنت حينها اقيم في وسط مدينة ستكهولم –عاصمة السويد , لاجئا سياسيا وقد مرت على لجوئي سنة ونصف , وثلاثة عشر… Continue Reading

  • Colour and Mind Project

    Colour and Mind Project

    In 2004, I was given the opportunity to have a solo exhibition at Nottingham Castle Museum (Nottingham, UK). It was called ‘Colour and Mind’ and was part of a prize I had won one year earlier. I was thinking about the theme for this important exhibition, which would be held in a relatively big venue.… Continue Reading

  • Colour and Me

    Colour and Me

    I have studied colours and their effects for decades. I now believe that any serious study of colours cannot reach a definite conclusion. This is because light and colours in our daily life are still a mystery. We try to understand aspects of these phenomena but as we go deeper into the subject, we find… Continue Reading

  • Interview


    Interview, July 9, 2018 “Artists Should Reflect the Struggle for Freedom and Power: Interview with the Artist Satta Hashem.” Read more on The Ruya Foundation Continue Reading

  • Art Historian Gordon Millar

    Art Historian Gordon Millar

    Satta Hashem born in 1959 near Baghdad, might fairly be termed an internationalist and a synthesist. Not only has he physically worked and trained in Algeria, Russia, Sweden, Greece and the United Kingdom and is his work collected internationally, but he has transmuted and drawn on the range of cultures he has experienced to produce… Continue Reading

  • British Museum Feature

    British Museum Feature

    The British Museum is a public museum that documents human culture throughout its history. Read more on The British Museum Continue Reading

  • Art-UK Feature

    Art-UK Feature

    Art UK is an online platform that provides free public access to over 250,000 artwork. Read more on Art UK Continue Reading